중소도시 가로경관의 건축적 특성과 만족도분석 연구 -포항시 중앙상가로변을 중심으로-

A Study on the Architectural Characteristics and Satisfaction Analysis of Street-scape in a Small and Medium City -Focused on the Street of Central Market, Pohang City-

  • 투고 : 2009.01.10
  • 발행 : 2009.02.25


This study aims for proposing improvement method for streetscape in a small and medium city of Korea. According to this purpose, in chapter 2, by inspecting conservation of street environment and streetscape, deduce the frame for analyzing streetscape in commercial district. In chapter 3, analyzing present condition and problems of selected streets in Pohang City, derive the primary factors to induce desirable streetscape through problems and their reason between the analyzed elements of building form. Analyzed elements are composed of floor elements, wall elements, ceiling elements. The detailed elements are pavement of road, street furniture, height of buildings, color and material of building and outdoor advertisements. In chapter 4, by conducting a questionnaire survey of pedestrians about street images -choosing impressive physical elements and the feeling of the street by the list of adjective of semantic differential scale- and the preference, propose the direction of improvement about streetscape in commercial district.



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