Analysis of How Married Women Adjust Timing of First Birth and Birth Interval : Focusing on Socio-Economic Characteristics

기혼 여성들의 첫 출산시기와 간격 조절: 사회경제적 특성에 따른 차이

  • Published : 2009.12.30


This study examined the birth timing and the birth interval for married women, focusing on their employment status. Relying on 2005 National Survey of Marriage and Fertility, three different groups were selected: those who have no child until five years after marriage; those who gave birth for the first child within three years; those who gave birth for the second child within three years. Results show that married women who have temporary jobs tend to have longer period of having no child than housewives. In contrast, among those who have the second child within three years, married women who have temporary jobs tend to have shorter birth interval for their second child than housewives. Women in their 20s are more likely to have shorter period of time to have the first child and shorter interval for the second child than those in their 30s. Job security for married women, maternity leave for childbirth and childcare, and family-friendly environment should be strengthened to increase the fertility level by shortening the timing of having the first child and the birth interval.



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