Shapley Value를 이용한 수요반응 프로그램 참여자의 전력 구매비용 절감 기여도 산정

Shapley Value-Based Method for Calculating the Contribution of Retail Customers Participating in Demand Response Program

  • 김지희 (고려대 공대 전자전기공학과) ;
  • 위영민 (고려대 공대 전기전자전파공학과) ;
  • 주성관 (고려대 공대 전기전자전파공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


Demand response (DR) can be used to improve the efficiency of electricity markets and increase the reliability of power systems. As more utilities attempt to reduce the purchasing costs by implementing DR programs strategically, there is an increasing need for studies of how to allocate the reduced purchasing costs among DR program participants. The rebates or incentives can be given to DR program participants in proportion to the participants' contributions to the reduced purchasing costs. This paper presents Shapley Value-based method to determine the DR program participants' contributions to the reduced purchasing costs. A numerical example is presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.



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