백더덕, 홍더덕, 청더덕의 외부형태적 특성 및 유전적 차이 분석

Morphological and genetic differences among white-, red- and blue colored root lines in Codonopsis lanceolata

  • 김지아 (강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학부) ;
  • 배기화 (강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학부) ;
  • 권혜경 (강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학부) ;
  • 이재선 (강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학부) ;
  • 최용의 (강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학부)
  • Kim, Ji-Ah (Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Enviromental Sciences, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Bae, Kee-Hwa (Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Enviromental Sciences, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kwon, Hye-Kyoung (Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Enviromental Sciences, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Yi, Jae-Seon (Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Enviromental Sciences, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Choi, Yong-Eui (Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Enviromental Sciences, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


In general, the root color of Codonopsis lanceolata is white, but red or blue-colored root is found at a low frequency in nature. Red or blue-colored roots have scarcity value, thus farmers wish to produce colored roots. The factors for determining the color of roots are unclear whether the color is controlled by genetically or simply by environmentally such as soil environment. Using in vitro culture system which is advantageous for setting of the same culture condition, we analyzed the physiological and morphological characteristics and genetic differences among red-, blue- and white lines of C. lanceolata. In the red colored roots, stems of in vitro cultured plantlet were colored in dark red pigment. Histological analysis revealed that the red pigment was accumulated in the outer cortex layer of the stem and determined as anthocyanin. Chlorophyll contents in red root lines were higher than those in white- and blue root lines. Plantlets from red roots were smaller in both shoot length and total leaf area than those from white- and blue roots. Genetic differences among the three different colored C. lanceolata were determined by RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) analysis. Each line of colored roots had clear DNA polymorphism. These results indicate that the occurrence of red- and blue colored roots in nature was determined by genetic factors rather than soil enviromental conditions.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Microtuber Formation from In Vitro Codonopsis lanceolata Plantlets by Sugar vol.40, pp.3, 2013,