Morphological Note of Zygnema cruciatum (Zygnemataceae, Chlorophyta) in Korea

  • Kim, Jee-Hwan (Institute for Basic Sciences,Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Hwan (Department of Biology,Chungbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


We described a freshwater filamentous zygnematacean species, Zygnema cruciatum (Vaucher) Agardh in Korea,based on light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Zygnema cruciatum is characterized by unbranched fil-amcnts of short cylindrical cells, two stellate chloroplasts per cell, a pyrenoid in each chloroplast. Cells are 32-39 $\mu$m in width and 35-50 $\mu$m in length, Conjugation is scalariform and female gametangia are cylindrical or slightlyenlarged. Zygospores are yellow-brown, spherical or broadly ovoid, 35-44 $\mu$m wide and 40-47 $\mu$m long. Under SEM, wall of zygospore has pitted mesospore and pits are 1.4-1.8 $\mu$m in diameter and 3-4 $\mu$m apart from each other.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Morphology and plastid psbA phylogeny of Zygnema (Zygnemataceae, Chlorophyta) from Korea: Z. insigne and Z. leiospermum vol.27, pp.4, 2012,