감육배관 손상시험 결과를 이용한 국부손상기준 검증

Validation of a Local Failure Criteria Using the Results of Wall-Thinned Pipe Failure Tests

  • 김진원 (조선대학교 원자력공학과) ;
  • 이성호 (한전 전력연구원 원전기계그룹) ;
  • 박치용 (한전 전력연구원 원전기계그룹)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


The objective of this study is to validate local failure criteria, which were proposed based on the notched-bar specimen tests combining with finite element (FE) simulations, using the results of real-scale pipe failure tests. This study conducted burst test using wall-thinned pipe specimens, which were made of 4 inch Sch.80 ASTM A106 Gr.B carbon steel pipe, under simple internal pressure at ambient temperature and performed associated FE simulations. Failure pressures were estimated by applying the failure criteria to the results of FE simulations and were compared with experimental failure pressures. It showed that the local stress based criterion, given as true ultimate tensile stress of material, accurately estimated the failure pressure of wall-thinned pipe specimens. However, the local strain based criterion, which is fracture strain of material as a function of stress tri-axiality, could not predict the failure pressure. It was confirmed that the local stress based criterion is reliably applicable to estimation of failure pressure of local wall-thinned piping components.



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