Regional Commitment Index of Hospitals

의료기관 특성별 지역환자구성비

  • 김경애 (국민건강보험공단) ;
  • 류시원 (인제대학원대학교 보건경영학과) ;
  • 김영랑 (상지대학교 의료경영학과)
  • Published : 2009.12.30


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate regional commitment index(RGI) of hospital in Korea, and the relationship RGI and hospital characteristics, such as foundation, region, size. Therefore, we are to suggest fundamental information to make and evaluate healthcare resource policy in hospital- and government-level. Methods : The 'Patient Survey 2002(administered by Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(MOHW)' was analyzed. We selected the patient data of the hospitals above 100 beds. Then, we calculated the RGI, number of same cases divided by all cases in each hospital. By using SPSS/win ver 14.0, statistical analysis such as t-test, ANOVA, correlational and regression analysis was carried out. Results : The results are as follows. 1. Overall mean and standard deviation of RGI were revealed as 0.805${\pm}$0.225 in inpatients, and 0.871${\pm}$0.184 in outpatient. The median of inpatients' and outpatients' RGI were 0.890 and 0.933. The RGI of inpatients of private hospitals were revealed significantly higher than that of the public(public: 0.727, private: 0.822). However, outpatients' RGI was not revealed as significantly different. 2. The RGI of general specialty hospitals were significantly lower than others, therefore we could think that more inpatients and outpatients of general specialty hospitals flowed in from others province or metropolitan cities than other hospital types. 3. The RGI of hospitals holding above 400 beds were significantly lower than others in inpatients and outpatients. 5. The RGI of hospitals were significantly different among sixteen province and metropolitan cities. The RGI inpatients of Gwangju and Daejon metropolitan city were lowest sub-group(0.659, 0.664), and the RGI inpatients of Jeju was revealed as highest, 0.979. 6. Available beds, total doctors, and total employees were negatively correlated with RGI of inpatients and outpatients. 7. The significant influencing factors to RGI of inpatients and outpatients were appeared samely such as available beds, wide healthcare region, hospital size, and foundation type. Conclusions : It is considered that RGI of hospital represent competitive power in healthcare market. Also, the competitive advantage and quality of hospital clustered by characteristics could made out by RGI. Therefore, the results of this study would be useful to develop and evaluate hospital policy of individual hospital or local government.



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