A Kinetic Study on Solvolysis of Diphenyl Thiophosphorochloridate

  • Koh, Han-Joong (Department of Science Education, Jeonju National University of Education) ;
  • Kang, Suk-Jin (Department of Science Education, Jeonju National University of Education) ;
  • Kevill, Dennis N. (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Northern Illinois University)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.20


Rates of solvolyses of diphenyl thiophosphorochloridate ($(PhO)_2$PSCl, 1) in ethanol, methanol, and aqueous binary mixtures incorporating ethanol, methanol, acetone and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) are reported. For four representative solvents, studies were made at several temperatures and activation parameters were determined. The 30 solvents gave a reasonably precise extended Grunwald-Winstein plot, correlation coefficient (R) of 0.989. The sensitivity values (l = 1.29 and m = 0.64) of diphenyl thiophosphorochloridate ($(PhO)_2$PSCl, 1) were similar to those obtained for diphenyl phosphorochloridate ($(PhO)_2$POCl, 2), diphenylphosphinyl chloride ($Ph_2$POCl, 3) and diphenylthiophosphinyl chloride ($Ph_2$PSCl, 4). As with the previously studied of 3~4 solvolyses, an $S_N$ pathway is proposed for the solvolyses of diphenyl thiophosphorochloridate (1). The activation parameters, ${\Delta}H^{\neq}\;(=11.6{\sim}13.9\;kcal{\cdot}mol^{-1})\;and\;{\Delta}S^{\neq}\; (=\;-32.1\;{\sim}\;-42.7\;cal{\cdot}mol^{-1}{\cdot}K^{-1})$, were determined, and they were in line with values expected for an $S_N$2 reaction. The large kinetic solvent isotope effects (KSIE, 2.44 in MeOH/MeOD and 3.46 in $H_2O/D_2$O) are also well explained by the proposed $S_N$2 mechanism.



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