Template Synthesis and Characterization of Host (Nanocavity of Zeolite Y)-Guest ([Cu([18]aneN4S2)]2+, [Cu([20]aneN4S2)]2+, [Cu(Bzo2[18]aneN4S2)]2+, [Cu(Bzo2[20]aneN4S2)]2+) Nanocomposite Materials

  • Salavati-Niasari, Masoud (Department of Chemistry and Institute of Nano Science and Nano Technology, University of Kashan) ;
  • Mirsattari, Seyed Nezamodin (Department of Chemistry, Science and Research Campus, Islamic Azad University) ;
  • Saberyan, Kamal (Chemistry Research Department, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Nuclear Science Research School)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.20


Copper(II) complexes with tetraoxo dithia tetraaza macrocyclic ligands; [18]ane$N_4S_2$: 1,4,10,13-tetraaza-5,9,14,18-tetraoxo-7,16-dithia-cyclooctadecane, [20]ane$N_4S_2$: 1,5,11,15-tetraaza-6,10,16,20-tetraoxo-8,18-dithia-cyclocosane,Bzo2[18]ane$N_4S_2$: dibenzo-1,4,10,13-tetraaza-5,9,14,18-tetraoxo-7,16-dithia-cyclooctadecane, Bzo2[20]ane$N_4S_2$: dibenzo-1,5,11,15-tetraaza-6,10,16,20-tetraoxo-8,18-dithia-cyclocosane; were entrapped in the nanopores of zeolite-Y by a two-step process in the liquid phase: (i) adsorption of [bis(diamine)copper(II)] (diamine = 1,2-diaminoethane, 1,3-diaminopropane, 1,2-diaminobenzene, 1,3-diaminobenzene); $[Cu(N-N)_2]^{2+}$-NaY; in the nanopores of the zeolite, and (ii) in situ template condensation of the copper(II) precursor complex with thiodiglycolic acid. The obtained complexes and new host-guest nanocomposite materials; $[Cu([18]aneN_4S_2)]^{2+}-NaY,\;[Cu([20]aneN_4S_2)]^{2+}-NaY,\;[Cu(Bzo_2[18]aneN_4S_2)]^{2+}-NaY,\;[Cu(Bzo_2[20]aneN_4S_2)]^{2+}$-NaY; have been characterized by elemental analysis FT-IR, DRS and UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques, molar conductance and magnetic moment data, XRD and, as well as nitrogen adsorption. Analysis of data indicates all of the complexes have been encapsulated within nanopore of zeolite Y without affecting the zeolite framework structure.



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