기상재해와 대책

Meteorological Disasters and Prevention Measures

  • 발행 : 2008.07.10


The extreme weather events have increased around the world this century. One of the main reasons of frequent occurrence is the change of atmospheric circulation by El nino. also Korea Peninsular is not exception. The 97 % of death toll and 89 % of property loss of total are related with extreme-weather events for the last 10 years. for example the heavy rainfall (1998-4999) and Typhoon Rusa and Mamie. In spite of the percent of death toll by extreme-weather disaster is increasing and the total population is growing. but the number of death toll from natural disasters is decreasing. It shows that the loss of property and life can be minimize by preparing the proper disaster prevention measures. There are several preparations to reduce the damage by extreme-weather events: Public facilities have overall check up, to recognize the weather alert, the awareness of the escape route and the art of measures
