The Lessons Learned from the Collapse of the Large Scale Buildings-The Introduction of Dr. Corley's Presentation at the 2nd Professional Engineers National Conference-

대형건물의 붕괴사고에서 배운 교훈들-제2차 전국기술사대회에서 행한 Dr. Corley 간연의 소개-

  • 백이호 (한국기술사회,국가간기술사자격상호인정심사위원회)
  • Published : 2008.11.05


Dr. Corley had various experiences as an outstanding structural engineer. His experience as the chief investigator for the collapse of World Trade Center and Oklahoma city building was so much useful to the lecture. His presentation had covered 3 different collapsed buildings like Oklahoma city, Pentagon and World Trade Center. He had shown to the audiences 2 videos and 76 slides by power point. The learned lessons from his presentation were: 1. The appropriate Building Code is very important. 2. The sound details are very important for the structure to resist the extreme outer force. 3. The continuous diagnosis and maintenance of the structure is important. 4. The reasonable attitude of the government against the accident is important. 5. The professional engineer must take a main role as a guard for the safety of the people.
