3Meter Disc Buoy with Satellite Communications Infrastructure

  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Moored ocean buoys are technically feasible approach for making sustained time series observation in the oceans and will be an important component of any long-term ocean observing system. The 3M disc buoy carried Zeno 3200, MCCB, Orbcomm, Global Star and Bluetooth module. The deployments have relied on Orbcomm and Global Star as the primary satellite communications system. In addition to detailing our practical experience in the use of Orbcomm and Global Star as high latitudes, we will present some of scientific sensor results regarding real-time oceanographic and meteorological parameters such as wind speed, wave height and etc. In this paper we present the design and implementation of a small-scale buoy sensor network. One of the major challenges is that the network is hard to access after its deployment and hence both hardware and software must be robust and reliable.



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