The Application of BP and RBF Neural Network Methods on Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery

  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


This paper presents an approach to Back-propagation and Radial Basis Function neural network method with various training set for automatic vehicle detection from aerial images. The initial extraction of candidate object is based on Mean-shift algorithm with symmetric property of a vehicle structure. By fusing the density and the symmetry, the method can remove the ambiguous objects and reduce the cost of processing in the next stage. To extract features from the detected object, we describe the object as a log-polar shape histogram using edge strengths of object and represent the orientation and distance from its center. The spatial histogram is used for calculating the momentum of object and compensating the direction of object. BPNN and RBFNN are applied to verify the object as a vehicle using a variety of non-car training sets. The proposed algorithm shows the results which are according to the training data. By comparing the training sets, advantages and disadvantages of them have been discussed.



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