Relationship between Korean Peninsula Landfalling Tropical Cyclones and Interannual Climate Variabilities

  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


The relationship between two interannual climate variabilities and the frequency of tropical cyclone (TC) that landed over the Korean Peninsula (KP) has investigated for the period of 1951-2004. In the analysis of the relationship between KP-landfall TC frequency and the ENSO phase, most TCs of C-14 (TCs that do not pass through mainland China before landing the KP) and C-23 (TCs that pass through mainland China before landing the KP) tended to more land in the warm phase than normal and cold phases. However, TC intensity at landfall was stronger in the cold and normal phases. In the analysis of the relationship between KP-landfall TC frequency and Arctic Oscillation (AO) phase, the TCs of C-14 tended to more land in the positive (POS) phase of AO and the negative (NEG) phase of AO for C-23. It was found that AO index was negatively correlated with the Ni$\tilde{n}$o-3.4 index. And then the TCs of C-14 landed more frequently over the KP in the AO POS - Ni$\tilde{n}$o-3.4 NEG phases and in the AO NEG - Ni$\tilde{n}$o-3.4 POS phases for the TCs of C-23.



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피인용 문헌

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