전력용 변압기 철심소음 저감기술에 관한 연구

A Study on the Core Noise Reduction Techniques of Power Transformers

  • 권동진 (한전전력연구원 전력계통연구소) ;
  • 구교선 (한전전력연구원 전력계통연구소) ;
  • 조익춘 ((주)효성 중공업연구소 전자기응용팀) ;
  • 김유현 (현대중공업 변압기계통) ;
  • 김융식 (일진중공업 저소음 변압기 개발)
  • 발행 : 2008.11.01


According to the increase of power demand and expansion of downtown, it is necessary to install transformers additionally in operating substations and construct substations in residential area. But the public complaint is increased due to the transformer noise of the substation. KEPCO has used a vibration preventing pad, various soundproof walls and an encloser to transformers in outdoor substations, and a soundproof door, shutter and wind-path soundproof equipment in indoor substations to block the sound propagation of the transformers. But these noise reduction methods are not satisfied. It should be considered to reduce transformer noise itself. In this paper, we investigated core noise reduction techniques to develope a low noise transformer. The techniques to reduce core noise of the transformer are application of high permeability grain oriented silicon sheets, decrease of magnetic flux density of core, application of 6step-lap core stacking method, improvement of core binding method(binding addition, band fixing) and application of rubber damper in oder to reduce transmission of core vibration, etc.



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