자연환기상태 실내공간에서의 화학작용제 확산 모델링 연구

A Study on the Chemical Warfare Agents Dispersion Modelling in a Naturally Ventilated Indoor System

  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


The purpose of this study is to provide response methods to minimize the damage from chemical terrorism in a naturally ventilated indoor system using several types of dispersion simulations. Three chemical warfare agents such as sarin(GB), phosgene and chlorine gas which have high potential to be used in terror or to be involved with accidents were selected in this simulation. Fire dynamic simulation based on Large Eddy Simulation which is effective because of less computational effort and detailed expression of the dispersion flow was adopted to describe the dispersion behavior of these agents. When the vent speed is 0.005m/s, the heights of 0.1 agent mass fraction are 0.9m for sarin, 1.0m for phosgene and 1.1m for chlorine gas, and the maximum mass fraction are 0.27 for all three agents. However, when the vent speed is increased to 0.05m/s, the heights of 0.1 agent mass fraction become 1.6m for all three agents and maximum mass fraction inside the room increase to 0.70 for sarin, 0.58 for phosgene and 0.53 for chlorine gas. It is shown that molecular weight of the agents has an important role for dispersion, and it is important to install ventilation system with height less than 1.6m to minimize the damage from chemical toxicity.



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