지리산에 방사한 반달가슴곰의 행동권 크기 및 서식지 이용 특성 연구

The Studies on Characteristics of Home Range Size and Habitat Use of the Asiatic Black Bear Released in Jirisan

  • 양두하 (국립공원관리공단 멸종위기종복원센터) ;
  • 김보현 (국립공원관리공단 멸종위기종복원센터) ;
  • 정대호 (국립공원관리공단 멸종위기종복원센터) ;
  • 정동혁 (국립공원관리공단 멸종위기종복원센터) ;
  • 정우진 (국립공원관리공단 멸종위기종복원센터) ;
  • 이배근 (국립공원관리공단 멸종위기종복원센터)
  • Yang, Doo-Ha (Species Restoration Center, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Kim, Bo-Hyun (Species Restoration Center, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Jung, Dae-Ho (Species Restoration Center, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Jeong, Hyuk-Dong (Species Restoration Center, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Jeong, Woo-Jin (Species Restoration Center, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Lee, Bae-Geun (Species Restoration Center, Korea National Park Service)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.31


2004년 10월부터 2006년 12월까지 지리산에 방사한 반달가슴곰 7개체를 무선추적하여 연간 행동권 크기를 분석한 결과, 95% MCP에서 반달가슴곰 암컷은 71.66$km^2$, 수컷은 90.20$km^2$로 분석되었다. 계절별 행동권 크기는 암컷곰이 봄 19.8$km^2$, 여름 30.48$km^2$, 가을 22.63$km^2$, 겨울 0.22$km^2$이었고, 수컷곰은 봄 33.47$km^2$, 여름 20.26$km^2$, 가을 23.23$km^2$, 겨울 0.78$km^2$이었다(F=4.193, P<0.05). 반달가슴곰의 행동권역중 약 38% 정도가 중첩되었고, 암컷간 12.5%, 수컷간 22.4% 정도가 중첩되었다. 서식지 평균 해발고도는 봄 744$\pm$236m, 여름 682$\pm$253m, 가을 937$\pm$218m, 겨울 975$\pm$137m로 분석되었다(F=8.526, P<0.001). 반달가슴곰의 행동권 크기와 위치는 주로 먹이의 분포와 생산량과 밀접한 관계가 있으며, 계절별 서식 환경특성, 연령 등에 따라서도 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다.

The studies of seven individuals of Asiatic black bears were carried out with radio telemetry from October 2004 to December 2006 in Jirisan National Park. They were attached radio-transmitter and calculated by the 95%MCP and fixed kernel method(95%, 50%). As a result, Mean annual home ranges for female and male asiatic black bears were 71.66$km^2$ and 90.20$km^2$. The seasonal home ranges were calculated 19.81$km^2$ for females and 33.47$km^2$ for males in spring, 30.48$km^2$ for females and 20.26$km^2$ for males in summer, 22.63$km^2$ for females and 23.23$km^2$ for males in autumn and 0.22$km^2$ for females and 0.78$km^2$ for males in winter(F=4.193, P<0.05). The degree of home range overlapped 38%, 12.5% among females, 22.4% among males. Mean elevation of seven bears was 744$\pm$236m in spring, 682$\pm$253m in summer, 937$\pm$218m in fall and 975$\pm$137m in winter(F=8.526, P<0.001). It is assumed that home range sizes and location were closely correlated to environmental characteristics of the habitats and the seasonal variation of home-range was related to distribution of food sources.



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