기계천수계의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집구조

Community Structure of Benthic Macroinvertebrates from Gigye Stream

  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


Community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates was investigated from Gigye stream, Pohang, Korea from May to November, 2007. As results, total of 108 species of macroinvertebrates under 49 families, 15 orders, 5 classes in 3 phyla were identified. The number of species was the most abundantly revealed in aquatic insects (class Insecta) with 86 species (82.6%) under 7 orders. The phylum Mollusca (10 species, 9.2%) and the phylum Annelida (6 species, 5.6%) were followed in order. In the class Crustacea, 6 species (5.6%) were distributed. In aquatic insects, the order Odonata was the most abundant taxon (20 species, 23.3%). Seventeen species (19.8%) of the order Ephemeroptera and 16 species (18.6%) of the Coleoptera were followed. The primary dominant species in the stream was Cloeon dipterum of Ephemeroptera. For community analysis, the values of diversity index (H'), evenness index (J'), dominance index (DI) and richness index (RI) were studied and the average values of them were 5.65, 0.84, 0.13, and 13.18, respectively.



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