민족 수난사의 환유와 신화적 사고의 표상 - 하근찬 소설을 중심으로 -

The metonymy of mythologic thought and the history of national ordeals

  • 발행 : 20080000


The novel of Ha Geun-chan is mainly composed of the story of the Korean nation being victimized by the June 25th war of Korea (the Korean War), a war of aggression of Japan. His novel, however, has a sense of humor and warmth. Because of those things if we criticize his novel in a point of view of modernism, the meaning and value are not revealed well. Therefore this study deals with new explication of his work in a point of view of his work expressing the image of mythologic thought. The mythological world view of his work is used to truly describe the historical life and experience of Korean farm people. Besides the use of metonymy which is rhetorical language of emersion is showed in his work. This also relates to mythological thought This study focused explication which mythological thought and related images implied in his novel. The subjects of analysis are mainly the way of war understood, the wounded body of novel characters, the unhappy life of women, the endeavor for the reunion of the community and so forth. His novel is not said war is the creature of politics. This view is equal to the thought of those who experienced war. The returned characters who are wounded mean they are humans who lost the power of labor and propagation. The love and marriage which women characters didn't achieve are an aspect of being victimized by war. The ordeal of women is connected the national ordeals. There are people only victimized in his novel. They, however, are not weak. They have mythologic world view which they think the continued existence and bond are more important than the personal happiness. Ha Geun-chan's literary is a realism novel which describes the life of the people who overcame the violence of the modern nation.
