호흡 및 조음기관 훈련 프로그램이 뇌성마비아동의 말 산출 기초능력에 미치는 효과

The Effect of Respiration and Articulator Training Programs on Basic Ability of Speech Production in Cerebral Palsy Children

  • 이금숙 (작은천사 어린이집) ;
  • 유재연 (대불대학교 언어치료청각학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Cerebral palsy children represent abnormal vocalization pattern caused by respiration problem and paralyzed oral motor muscle that are the basics of speech production. Thus, this study examined the effect of respiration and articulator training programs on the basic ability of speech production in CP children. The subjects of this study were 4 children with 3 of spastic CP and 1 of ataxia CP. The respiration and articulator program was conducted in 30 sessions for 30 minutes each. Pre-test was administered twice before the program, ongoing test was administered every 5 session during the period of experiment, and post-test was administered twice. The program included speech production such as respiration training, lips, jaw, cheek, and tongue exercise, and velopharyngeal training, and related articulator training. The following results were obtained. First, all subject children were less than 5 seconds in maximum phonation time before the experiment and 2 were improved by more than 4$\sim$5 seconds during the experiment, but 2 had relatively low rising width. Second, while children with less than 30dB before the experiment became bigger in strength during the experiment, children with more than 35dB before the experiment showed a minor change. Subject child 4 had lower vocal strength in the post-test period. Finally, although each subject had individual difference in syllable diadochokinetic ability, the function was improved and the number of repetition in one respiration was also increased.
