구개열 환자의 SARPE를 통한 횡적 부조화의 치험례


  • 이규홍 (한림대학교 의료원 강동성심병원 치과교정과) ;
  • 홍순민 (한림대학교 의료원 강동성심병원 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 박준우 (한림대학교 의료원 강동성심병원 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 천세환 (한림대학교 의료원 강동성심병원 치과교정과) ;
  • 박양호 (한림대학교 의료원 강동성심병원 치과교정과)
  • Lee, Kyu-Hong (Dept. of Orthodontics, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Medical Center) ;
  • Hong, Soon-Min (Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Medical Center) ;
  • Park, Jun-Woo (Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Medical Center) ;
  • Cheon, Se-Hwan (Dept. of Orthodontics, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Medical Center) ;
  • Park, Yang-Ho (Dept. of Orthodontics, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University Medical Center)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


Patients who have repaired cleft lip and palate generally undergo restriction of maxillary growth. Concave facial profile is often exhibited with relatively normalized mandible. Horizontal and sagittal deficiency of the maxilla could cause anterior and posterior crossbites. In growing patients, ortho-dontic and orthopedic treatment is acceptable with maxillary expansion and protraction. However, surgical approach has to be accompanied with orthodontic treatment in skeletally matured patients. We used SARPE and BSSRO to expand the constricted maxilla and retract the mandible in a patient who had cleft palate repaired in infancy. Through SARPE, orthodontic treatment and BSSRO, we sufficiently expanded the maxillla and improved facial profile.



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