Optimal Conditions for Propagation in Bottom and Top Brewing Yeast Strains

  • Cheong, Chul (Department of Fermented Food Science, Seoul University of Venture & Information) ;
  • Wackerbauer, Karl (Department of Biotechnology, Technical University of Berlin) ;
  • Lee, Si-Kyung (Department of Applied Biological Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kang, Soon-Ah (Department of Fermented Food Science, Seoul University of Venture & Information)
  • Published : 2008.08.31


The method of yeast propagation has an influence on yeast physiology, fermentation ability, flocculation rate, and taste stability of beer. In order to find optimal conditions for propagation, several parameters were investigated in combinations. The bottom brewing yeast grown at $10^{\circ}C$ indicated that a higher flocculation capacity during the $1^{st}$ fermentation. However, the taste stability and the aroma profile were not affected by parameters of propagation investigated. The beer quality was rather affected by storage duration. In addition, a correlation between tasting and chemiluminescence was found at the beer, which was produced using bottom brewing yeast. The propagation at $10-25^{\circ}C$ with addition of zinc ion indicated the best condition to improve fermentation ability, flocculation rate, and filterability for bottom brewing yeast, whereas the propagation at $30^{\circ}C$ with addition of zinc ion showed the best condition to increase fermentation ability for top brewing yeasts.



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