High-Spread Interleaver based Interleave-Division Multiple Access Scheme for the 4G System

  • Chung, Yeon-Ho (Division of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications, Pukyong National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


This paper presents high-spread (HS) random interleavers based interleave-division multiple access (IDMA) scheme for the 4th generation mobile radio system. High-spread feature of a random interleaver offers high-spread characteristics to interleavers and thus produces extrinsic values with low correlation. As interleavers are key components for user separation in the IDMA, the HS interleavers with this feature are employed and analyzed in the IDMA for performance improvement. In addition, by replacing random interleavers with the HS interleavers in the IDMA, bandwidth efficiency is achieved by means of reducing the length of the repetition code. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed scheme of the IDMA with the HS interleavers provides superior BER performance and improved bandwidth efficiency.
