Rough Fuzzy Control of SVC for Power System Stability Enhancement

  • Mishra, Yateendra (School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland) ;
  • Mishra, Sukumar (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) ;
  • Dong, Zhao Yang (School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


This paper presents a new approach to the design of a rough fuzzy controller for the control loop of the SVC (static VAR system) in a two area power system for stability enhancement with particular emphasis on providing effective damping for oscillatory instabilities. The performances of the rough fuzzy and the conventional fuzzy controller are compared with that of the conventional PI controller for a variety of transient disturbances, highlighting the effectiveness of the rough fuzzy controller in damping the inter-area oscillations. The effect of the rough fuzzy controller in improving the CCT (critical clearing time) of the two area system is elaborated in this paper as well.



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