Translational Study for "Treatise on Bundon Disease in Chapter 8 of the Essence of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber"

"금궤요략심전.분돈기병맥증치제팔(奔豚氣病脈證治第八)"에 대한 번역연구

  • Li, Xian-Lan (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics and Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Bum (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics and Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 이선란 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실) ;
  • 이용범 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Published : 2008.05.25


After translating the contents of "Treatise on Bundon Disease in Chapter 8 of the Essence of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" and it was compared with the contents of "The Lecture of Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber" and speculated to review the characteristics of the comments of Ui(尤怡) and the following conclusions were made. As the causes of bundon(奔豚) disease, which means gas rushing like a running piggy from the lower abdomen to the throat, they could be categorized into the cases belongs to miscellaneous diseases (雜病) and into the cases of suffering from cold diseases(傷寒). If it was diagnosed as miscellaneous disease, terror and fear(驚恐) could be regarded as its cause and if it was diagnosed as cold disease, insufficiency of heart Gi(心氣) due to the excessive sweating and the invasion of exterior coldness could be regarded as its cause. As the pathogenesis of this disease, the pathogenic factors of liver and kidney could be found. Since the liver and Soyang meridian(少陽經) are subjected to the exterior and interior relation in case of the pathogenic factor of liver, alternate attacks of chills and fever(寒熱往來) could be characteristic for the disease. If this disease was caused by the pathogenic factor of kidney, there are two cases. One is the palpitation under the umbilicus(欲作奔豚: 臍下動悸) developed by the lack of heart Gi(心氣) and the other is gas rushing like a running piggy from the lower abdomen to the throat which could be developed by the exterior cold disease which invade into the interior and reach into the kidney when the heart Gi(心氣) was insufficient. In its treatment, bundon disease caused by the pathogenic factor of liver could be treated with Bundontang(奔豚湯), and the understanding of Ui(尤怡) on Pinellia ternata Breitenbach(半夏) having the effect of perspiration in the prescription is quite unique concept. In case of bundon disease caused by the pathogenic factor of kidney, treatment is focused to treat exterior coldness by applying moxibustion(灸) and Gyejigagyetang(桂技加桂湯), and in case of the palpitation under the umbilicus(欲作奔豚: 臍下動悸), its pathogenic factor of kidney is controlled with Cinnamomum louerii Nees(桂技), Polia cocos Walf and the spleen Gi(脾氣) is cared by using Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer et. De Candolle(甘草) and Zizyphus jujuba Mill(大棗). Especially, Ui(尤怡) emphasized Cinnamomum louerii Nees(桂技) as the medication to treat the pathogenic factor of kidney.
