한국인 시각 장애우 환자의 복약지도 증진을 위한 점자용 보조라벨 개발의 필요성과 개발방법 제시

Developing Method of Auxiliary Label by Korean Braillewritier Letter for Drug Consultation

  • Lim, Sung-Cil (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Myung-Koo (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Chong-Kil (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Bo-Reum (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


All pharmacists must provide the drug consultation whenever dispense drugs to patients by the Korean Pharmacy Law. Drug consultation is very important procedure for increasing pharmacotherapy. Because it maximizes the therapeutic effects or/and minimizes adverse drug reaction during the drug therapy. However, it is not easy to do because of the dynamic and hectic pharmacy environment. Especially, if someone has a disabling body function, they required more time and efforts to perform consultation by pharmacist. Currently several auxiliary labels for helping drug consultation are using in pharmacy practice but not for disabling patients. Therefore we developed the total 53 auxiliary labels with size of 0.7 cm (width) and 1 cm (length) by Braillewriter letters for blind patients. This research has been performed for total 12 months (Mar. 15ts, 2007$\sim$Feb. 25th, 2008) and the developing methods are consisted of 4 steps: 1) selection of essential informations, 2) simplification of information, 3) changing for Braillewriter letters, 4) application and revising by blindness patients. Also the labels are consisted of 12 for adverse reactions and precautions, 8 for directions, 2 for storages, 9 for duration, 9 for dosage forms, and 12 for common names. After developed those labels, we revised those labels by discussion with 2 blind people. In conclusion, the new auxiliary labels for blind patients can increase therapeutic effects and decrease risks from pharmacotherapy besides decreasing of pharmacist's work load in the future.



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