치료레크레이션을 활용한 노인자아통합 교육프로그램 개발과 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on the Development and Effects of an Educational Program for Ego Integrity of the Elderly through Therapeutic Recreation

  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


An educational program through therapeutic recreation was developed in order to analyze the effect of enhancement of ego integrity of the elderly. First of all, this study was designed to summarize the concepts of ego integrity and the effects of therapeutic recreation on the elderly and to identify elderly's educational needs of both educational methods and contents from the literature review. The above identified knowledge and information were applied to developing the educational program. The program was composed of 6 sessions with 17 old men and women focused on developing self acceptance using reminiscence on ego integrity through their whole life span and developing positive and active attitudes towards life. And enforcing and evaluation methods were also suggested. The results were as follows. This program showed the significant differences between post-test and pre-test scores in the scale of ego integrity of the elderly. In conclusion, educational program through therapeutic recreation employed for this study has significant effects of increasing ego integrity of the elderly.



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