미래인터넷을 위한 네트워크 가상화 기술

  • 발행 : 2008.10.20




  1. 이영희, "개방형 서비스를 위한 Active Networking 기술," HSN 2005, 2005. 1
  2. GENI(Global Environment for Network Innovations), http://www.geni.net/
  3. FIRE(Future Internet Research and Experimentation), http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/fire/home_en.html
  4. AKARI Architecture Design Project for New Generation Network, http://akari-project.nict.go.jp/eng/index2.htm
  5. FIF(Future Internet Forum), http://www.fif.kr
  6. N. Feamster, L. Gao, J. Rexford, "How to lease the Internet in your spare time," Technical Report, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006
  7. Larry Peterson, Steve Muir, Timothy Roscoe, Aaron Klingaman, "PlanetLab Architecture: An Overview," May 5, 2006
  8. OneLab project, http://www.onelab.eu/
  9. PlanetLab Japan Consortium, http://www.planet-lab-japan.org/
  10. Larry Peterson, John Wroclawski, "Overview of the GENI architecture," GDD-06-11, Janyary 5, 2007
  11. Carol Meertens and Tijmen van den Brink, "User Controlled LightPath," http://staff.science.uva.nl/~delaat/sne-2006-2007/p09/report.pdf
  12. Doug McGregor, "Project DRAC : Creating an application-aware network," Nortel Technical Journal, Issue 1, pp. 23-26, February 2005