Physicochemical Properties of Starches in Japonica Rices of Differenct Amylose Content

아밀로스 함량이 다른 자포니카 벼 품종의 전분 특성

  • Published : 2008.09.30


This study was performed to find out starch properties of rice grains in three varieties with different amylose content, Ilpumbyeo (non-waxy), Goami2 (high amylose), and Hwasunchalbyeo (waxy rice). There was no difference among physico-chemical characteristics of rice grains, but Goami 2 showed $2{\sim}3$ folds higher crude fat (1.36%) than Ilpumbyeo. Pasting properties of RVA showed the highest values of maximum viscosity, breakdown, and final viscosity in Ilpumbyeo. A similar chain length distribution of amylopectin was found in Ilpumbyeo and Hwasunchalbyeo, indicating that DP 12 had the highest distribution. Goami 2 had the highest distribution in DP 14, and showed the lower percent (14.1%) than other rice cultivars. Thermal properties of DSC showed that the values of Tc and Tp of Hwasunchalbyeo were similar to Ilpumbyeo, whereas a slightly higher Tc was observed. The absorbtion enthalpy was also the highest (11.1 mJ/mg) in Hwasunchalbyeo. Goami 2 showed higher To, but the lowest enthalpy (6.52 mJ/mg) compared to Ilpumbyeo (7.92 mJ/mg). Retrogradation properties, which were measured with the gelatinized rice sample used for DSC, and stored in $4^{\circ}C$ during 6 days, indicated that retrogradation absorbtion peak was the first peak at $52.6{\sim}55.2^{\circ}C$, and the second peak above $95^{\circ}C$. Retrogradation enthalpy of Goami 2 was the highest value (5.12 mJ/mg).



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