노랑 파프리카즙 첨가가 두부의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향

Quality Characteristics of Soybean Curd prepared with the Addition of Yellow Paprika Juice

  • 발행 : 2008.08.31


This study examined the quality characteristics of soybean curd prepared with the addition of yellow paprika juice. The yield rate, pH, and ${\Delta}E$, L, a, and b values of the yellow paprika juice were 80.56$\pm$0.07%, 5.41$\pm$0.06, 25.34$\pm$0.14, 24.83$\pm$0.13, -0.61$\pm$0.24, and 26.28$\pm$0.27, respectively, and its moisture, crude ash, carbohydrate, crude protein, crude lipid, vitamin A, and vitamin C contents were 93.08 g, 0.40 g, 4.95 g, 0.85 g, 0.02 g, 25.26 IU, and 115.08 mg, respectively. The yield rate of the soybean curd did not differ significantly according to the level of added yellow paprika juice, however, there was a significant decrease in pH and a significant increase in acidity. The ${\Delta}E$ and b values of the soybean curd increased as the amount of yellow paprika juice in the formulation increased, whereas the L and a values decreased. Furthermore, hardness significantly increased as the level of yellow paprika juice increased. In terms of overall acceptability, the preferred soybean curd samples were the control and that containing 10% yellow paprika juice.



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