비점원오염모델을 이용한 논의 영농방법별 오염부하량 예측

Estimation of the Pollutant Loads from Paddy Fields by Cultivation Practices Using a Non-point-source Model

  • 한국헌 (한국농촌공사 농어촌연구원 생산자원연구소)
  • Han, Kuk-Heon (Rural Agricultural Infrastructure and Resources, Rural Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


The objective of this study was to estimate the pollutant loads from paddy fields by cultivation practices using a non-point-sources models. One of them is CREAMS-PADDY model that was developed considering the water balance and mass balance of paddy fields. The CREAMS-PADDY model was applied to provide basic data to reduce runoff loadings under various scenarios such as various water management control and various fertilizer condition. The model was verified against T-N, T-P and runoff flow data collected during cropping periods at 2000. The model results agreed well with the measured data in verification. The results showed that the model could be used for estimating the runoff loadings from irrigated paddy fields by cultivation practices was possible. Comparison of simulated the standard height and the sluice management of T-N and T-P runoff loadings from paddy fields were +32.4%, +10.3% in 10 mm below the standard height, -29.2%, -35.9% in 20 mm above the standard height, 52.6%, 59.0% in 40 mm above the standard height, respectively. Comparison of simulated the standard fertilizer and the fertilizer control of T-N and T-P runoff loadings from paddy fields were -1.3%, -21.7%in reduction of conventional fertilizer 30%, -1.0%, -12.5% in reduction of standard fertilizer 30%, respectively. Therefore, reducing nonpoint-sources nutrient loading by reducing fertilization may not work well in the range of normal paddy rice farming practices, and instead it could be achieved by reducing surface drainage outflow.



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