유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 아동기 애착경험, 성격특성, 자녀양육 스트레스와 양육행동

Attachment Experience in Childhood, Personality Characteristics, Parenting Stress, and Parenting Behavior among Mothers with Preschool Children

  • 정윤주 (인천대학교 소비자아동학과)
  • Chyung, Yun-Joo (Department of Consumer and Child Studies, University of Incheon)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


The purpose of this study was to examine: (1) relationships among mothers' attachment experience in childhood, mothers' personality characteristics, and parenting stress and parenting behavior; (2) whether mothers' personality characteristics mediate the relationship between mothers' attachment experience in childhood and parenting stress; and (3) whether mothers' personality characteristics mediate the relationship between mothers' attachment experience in childhood and parenting behavior. The subjects were 177 mothers with preschool children, and the data were collected with questionnaires. It was found that there are correlations among mothers' attachment experience in childhood, mothers' personality characteristics, parenting stress, and parenting behaviors(autonomy encouragement, and rejection). It was found that mothers' attachment experience in childhood predicts mothers' parenting stress, but the relationship is mediated by mothers' personality characteristics. It was also found that mothers' attachment experience in childhood predicts mothers' parenting behavior, but the relationship is mediated by mothers' personality characteristics.



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