Benefit-Cost Analysis for Developing Jeongja Port in Ulsan

울산지역 어항개발의 경제성 평가 - 정자항을중심으로 -

  • 김태용 (부경대학교 경영대학 경영학부)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


The objective of this study is to review the methodology of economic analysis of fishing ports by examining the economical feasibilities of a national fishing port (Jeongja Port) in Ulsan. This study utilized market value evaluation method to measure the benefits and costs related to the development of ports. The benefit variables are income effects resulting from the developments while the cost variables are sum of construction costs and maintenance costs. The income effects are measured in two ways: (1) income from individual project resulting from the developments, (2) the income effects by utilizing investment multipliers. The results shows that the BC ratio (Benefits/Costs) of Jeongja port by using (1) income from individual project resulting from the developments was 1.07 while the BC ratio by using (2) the income effects by utilizing investment multipliers was 1.10 due to a relative short period of useful life for investment multipliers. However, the income variable utilizing investment multipliers is more sensitive to the period of duration than the income variable from individual project.
