A 1.4 kg adult great homed owl was presented to the University of Missouri-Columbia Veterinary Teaching Hospital after being found by the side of the highway. Physical examination revealed soft tissue injuries to the left wing and leg, and good body condition (body score 4/5). The radiographs revealed comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the left tibiotarsus (severe) and ulna (mild). Closed reduction of the fracture was performed to the left tibiotarsus and ulna. System combining an intramedually (IM) Kirschner pin, IM Kirschner pin for external skeletal fixation, and polymethylmethacrylate was used for fracture repair. At 13 weeks, radiographs revealed that bridging callus was well formed over cortices of the fracture area. No physical, behavioral, or other assessable impairment was found during the rehabilitation period.