A 15-month-old, intact male, domestic short hair cat was presented with ataxia, protrusion of the right third eyelid, and anorexia. Clinical signs were firstly noted after ear cleaning at home. Symptoms of the Homer's syndrome were evident. However, postural and proprioceptive reaction deficits were not detected on neurologic examination. Otoscopic examination revealed foreign body in right ear canal. A diagnosis of peripheral vestibular syndrome was made based on results of physical examination including neurologic and otic examination, blood work, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Based on these examinations, the present patient was definitely diagnosed as otitis medial interna induced by foreign body. The vestibular signs were resolved 10 days after removal of cotton tips in right ear canal. This case report indicates that home-care cotton swab can iatrogenically induce otitis media/interna in cats.