웃음을 이용한 다중음성치료기법$(SKMVTT^{(R)})$이 성대용종 환자의 음성개선에 미치는 효과

The Effects of $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ on Voice Improvement in Vocal Polyp Patients

  • 김성태 (대구대학교 대학원 재활과학과, 서울아산병원 이비인후과교실 음성언어의학연구소) ;
  • 정옥란 (대구대학교 재활과학대학 언어치료학과) ;
  • 안철민 (프라나 이비인후과 음성센터)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Vocal polyp is one of the representative chronic diseases of vocal folds, and it can be cured by voice therapy and/or laryngeal microsurgery. However, the existing therapeutic methods about vocal polyp are in great demand. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of vocal improvement between laryngeal microsurgery and $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ (Seong-Tae Kim's Multiple Voice Therapy Technique), which was designed by the author. We identified 37 patients, who were diagnosed with unilateral vocal polyp, aged from 21 to 62 years(mean age: 46 years). 21 patients were treated by the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ and the other 16 patients were only treated by the laryngeal microsurgery. All patients who were treated by the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$, received 12 sessions of treatment, and were evaluated before therapy and after finishing the 12th session. The patients who were treated by laryngeal microsurgery, were evaluated prior to and at least 8 weeks after surgery. The results showed that the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ produced better results compared to the laryngeal microsurgery alone. The $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ produced better results, especially, at the initial stage of voice therapy compared with those of laryngeal microsurgery. In this study, we can suggest that $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ may be useful in improving the voice qualities of vocal polyp patients. However, more data should be collected and evaluated to be widely used in other clinics.
