음성장애의 중증도와 발화 수준에 따른 말 명료도의 변화 연구

A Study on the Speech Intelligibility of Voice Disordered Patients according to the Severity and Utterance Level

  • 표화영 (나사렛대학교 재활학부 언어치료학)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the speech intelligibility of voice disordered patients when we consider the severity and utterance level as variables. Based on the severity level, 12 patients were divided into three groups, G1, G2, and G3 group, respectively. Words, phrases and sentences produced by the speakers were judged by four listeners with normal hearing, and we compared the intelligibility scores of the three groups. As a result, the speech intelligibility was decreased as the severity level was increased, and the difference was statistically significant. However, the mean difference among words, phrases and sentences was not significant, and the variation of intelligibility according to the utterance level was not under the regular rules.
