System Architecture of Atopic Dermatitis Adjuvant for Children Using Wireless Sensor

  • Published : 2008.06.30


Pre schools with state of the art facilities that would provide not just academic excellence but also ensure the safety and provide efficient healthcare to their pupils relative to Atopic Dermatitis with Asthma is the main objective of this research One of the most promising applications of sensor networks is for human healthcare monitoring. Due to recent technological advances in sensor, low power microelectronics and miniaturization, and wireless networking enable the design and proliferation of this wireless sensor networks capable of autonomously monitoring and controlling environments. Thus, this research presents the utilization of such microelectronic sensor and plots the hardware and software architecture of a wireless sensor network system with real-time pupil monitoring that integrates vital sign sensors, location sensor and allergen sensor. This proposed architecture for wearable sensors can be used as active tags which can track pupil's location within the school's premises, identify possible atopic dermatitis with asthma allergens, it would monitor and generate a health status report of the pupil.



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