창작무용 의상에 나타난 여성상 변화 - 페르소나와 아니무스를 중심으로 -

The Changes of Feminine Image Expressed in the Creative Dancing Wear - focusing on Persona and Animus -

  • 김흥경 (동덕여자대학교 패션학과) ;
  • 김선화 (순천대학교 패션디자인)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.31


The purpose of the study was to examine how changes of women's sexual identity and gender role were expressed in designs of dance costumes by analyzing costumes used in creative dance works. Related articles, dance magazines, Internet information and dance costumes were used for the analysis of various performance cases to express persona and animus of a woman. The results of the study were as follows: 1. As a woman's role, persona, has recently changed into active propensity, dance directors have come to prefer bold and daring image of female dancer to strongly express animus, the masculine inclination of a woman. 2. Female dancers' costumes were frequently associated with daring body exposure such as body painting on half-naked body, to reflect the above and a number of female dancers dressed daringly in masculine style trom head to toe. Also, pants or hot pants instead of skirt were frequently used as dance costumes to symbolize animus. In addition, colors in dance costumes became vivid and bold in comparison to the simple and soft colors used in the past.



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