The Research Journal of the Costume Culture (복식문화연구)
- Volume 16 Issue 3
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- Pages.559-573
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- 2008
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- 1226-0401(pISSN)
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- 2383-6334(eISSN)
Content Analysis of On-Line Consumer Information for Elderly - Comparison between the US and Korea Apparel E-tailing Sites -
노년층 의류 소비자를 위한 온라인 소비자 정보에 대한 분석 - 한국과 미국의 웹사이트의 비교연구 -
Hong, Kyung-Hee
(Dept. of Home Economics, Graduate School, Korea University) ;
- Choo, Ho-Jung (Dept. of Distribution Management, Dong-Eui University)
- Published : 2008.06.30
Internet apparel businesses are required to provide various kinds of consumer information which includes both product information and customer service information. "New Age Elderly" who become an aged man in 21th century are familiar with internet and other high technological tools from their life time experience with technological development and ready to enjoy the convenience the technology offers. As a preliminary step to develop internet consumer information model for elderly consumers, this study examines the US and Korea apparel e-tailing sites targeting elderly consumers. Ten Korean sites and nine US sites were selected and compared for their provision of consumer information in terms of contents, ease to access, and the completeness of the information. Results of data analysis indicate that elderly market in Korea is not yet clearly defined compared to the US. In Korea, elderly consumer market is considered as a part of middle-aged market, and there was no unique target marketing efforts observed. Korean sites are better than the US's sites in terms of shopping information, while the US sites offer detailed information about the company, and customer service information. In both countries, fashion related information is lacking and failing to satisfy fashion conscious elderly consumers. Managerial implications were discussed.