저온기 부영양 수계의 규조 발생에 대한 말조개의 섭식특성

Grazing Effects of Freshwater Bivalve Unio douglasiae on the Hibernal Diatom Bloom in the Eutrophic Lake and Stream

  • 이송회 (건국대학교 생명환경과학대학 환경과학과) ;
  • 황순진 (건국대학교 생명환경과학대학 환경과학과) ;
  • 김백호 (건국대학교 생명환경과학대학 환경과학과)
  • Lee, Song-Hee (Department of Environmental Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Hwang, Soon-Jin (Department of Environmental Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Baik-Ho (Department of Environmental Science, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


서로 다른 물리-화학적 성격이 다른 저온기 두 부영양수계에서 우점하는 규조류 중심의 현장수에 대한 한국산 말조개(Unio douglasiae)의 섭식특성-여과능 및 배설물 생산을 각각 비교 조사하였다. 두 실험수 모두 패류밀도가 증가할수록 뚜렷한 엽록소 $\alpha$ 감소를 보였으며, 한강시료는 1시간 이후부터, 일감호 시료는 패류 처리와 함께 즉시 감소였다. 한강시료는 고밀도 처리에서 감소율이 높았으며 (약 90%), 일감호시료는 패류밀도 간에 다소 차이는 보였으나 고밀도군에서도 50% 정도 감소하였다. 조류 현존량의 변화경향는 엽록소와 유사하였으며, 시료와 조류종에 따라 차이를 보였다. 패류의 조류여과능은 패류적용 1시간째 시료 간에는 큰 차이를 보였으나 시간이 경과할수록 유사한 수준에 도달하였다. 배설물 생산은 한강시료에서는 밀도간에 차이가 적었으며 일감호의 높은 전도도와 탁도, 낮은 DO 포화도에서는 밀도 간에 100배 이상의 큰 차이를 나타냈다. 특히 일감호에서 고밀도 패류 적용시, 낮은 엽록소(조류)감소 및 높은 배설물 생산 등은 소화가 어려운 고형물의 축적효과가 높아 저온기 동안 탁도가 높은 하천 및 호수의 수질개선에 매우 효과적일 것으로 사료되었다.

Filtration rates and fecal production of freshwater bivalve, Unio douglasiae on two kinds of hibernal diatom communities were measured simultaneously in a laboratory. One community is the Han River (HAN), which dominated by Asterionella Formosa. Stephanodiscus hantzschii (ca. 98% of total phytoplankton). The other community is the Ilgam Lake (IL), which dominated by Synedra ulna, Scenedesmus sp. Microcystis aeruginosa (ca. 82%). The HAN water has higher concentrations of nutrient (TN and TP) and chlorophyll $\alpha$ (Chl-$\alpha$), lower turbidity and conductivity than the IL water. Water sampling for the feeding experiment was conducted in the same day (Jan 15, 2008) and similar time (AM 10:00 for HAN, AM 11:00 for IL). Mussels with the similar size ($0.0{\pm}0.5\;cm$) were collected from the Gunsan and Okgu district (Jeonbuk), and starved in a laboratory for 2 days before the experiment. The experiment comprised CON (no addition of mussel), LOW (addition of mussel at 0.3 indiv. $L^{-1}$), MID (1.0 indiv. $L^{-1}$) and HIGH (2.0 indiv. $L^{-1}$), respectively. With the increment of mussel density and time, the concentration of Chl-$\alpha$ in two diatom communities were clearly decreased; Chl-$\alpha$ of HAN gradually decreased after 1 hour of mussel treatment, while that of IL decreased as soon as mussel introduction. In 7 hours of treatment, the former was removed finally up to about 90% of control, while the later was remained as about 50%. Under the presence of mussel, total phytoplankton density was shifted as the similar patterns to that of Chl-$\alpha$ (r=0.705, P<0.0001), however, there showed the drastic differences following a species. Based on the concentration of Chl-$\alpha$, filtration rate of U. douglasiae averaged 0.266 $L\;g^{-1}\;h^{-1}$ (0.115 to 0.442) on HAN and $0.577\;L\;g^{-1}\;h^{-1}$ (0.146 to 1.428) on IL water, respectively. There were no differences in feces production among the mussel density in the HAH water (ANOVA, P>0.5), while in IL water, including lots of seston, the HIGH mussel produced the higher fecal materials, over one hundred times of LOW. These results suggest that freshwater bivalve Unio douglasiae have the alternative potential, as a filter-feeder of seston in turbid lake, and a biological controller of diatom bloom in cold stream.



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