예비 창업자와 프랜차이즈 본사의 계약 의사에 관한 연구

A Study on Contract Intention of Preliminary Founders andFranchise Headquarters

  • 정진우 (영산대학교 서양조리학과)
  • Jung, Jin-Woo (Dept. of Western Cuisine & Culinary Arts, Youngsan University)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.30


The characteristics of preliminary founders has taken a part in deciding the structural elements of Franchise headquarters in the food service industry. Thus this study tries to show how preliminary founders have an impact on structural elements in franchise headquarters through demonstrative research on intention of contracting by characteristics of preliminary members. The result shows that the experience factor of a preliminary owner has significant relationships with the structural elements of headquarters. It was analyzed that the structural elements of franchise headquarters such as expert consulting, training support and use of sales guide influence contract intention. The characteristics of the preliminary founders have a major impact on investment, financing, expert consulting, educational support, and untilization of business guideline. The structural elements have a major impact on contract intention.
