플랜트의 구성을 고려한 IGCC용 가스터빈의 성능해석

Performance Analysis of a Gas Turbine for IGCC Considering Plant Configuration

  • 발행 : 2008.09.01


Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is an environment friendly method of using coal. Several commercial IGCC plants have been built worldwide during the past decade, and a domestic development project has also been launched recently. Operation and performance characteristics of a gas turbine in the IGCC plant deviates from those of original gas turbines due to several factors such as increased amount of fuel supply and integration with other components. In this study, performance of a gas turbine in the IGCC plant is analyzed considering its integration with the air separation unit (ASU). Influence of the degree of integration (split of air supplies to ASU from the auxiliary compressor and the gas turbine compressor) on the system performance is investigated. In addition, effect of modulating nitrogen return flow from the gasifier to the gas turbine on the operating characteristics of the gas turbine is examined.



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