Agronomic Characteristics and Yield Performance of Different Corn Hybrids Harvested in Drained-Paddy and Upland Fields

  • Souvandouane, Souliya (Division of Biosciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Son, Tae-Kwon (R&D Center, ISTECH, Inc., CU Techno Center) ;
  • Esguerra, Mannuel (Division of Biosciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Heo, Kyu-Hong (Division of Biosciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Rico, Cyren M. (R&D Center, ISTECH, Inc., CU Techno Center) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Chul (Division of Biosciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


The growth and yield performance of 19 new com hybrids were evaluated. Results showed that all hybrids had a superior growth performance in the drained-paddy than in the upland field except for daeyul ${\times}$ cheongdo and hyoryeong ${\times}$ cheongdo in plant height, cheongdoyeop ${\times}$ wx-3 in tassel1ength, and cheongdo (black) ${\times}$ wx-3 in number of tassel branch. The same hybrids, except cheongdoyeop ${\times}$ wx-3, obtained lower ear quality in drained-paddy field compared to upland in terms of ear weight, and ear and grain setting length. The highest yield in the drained-paddy and upland fields was obtained in the hybrids ks5wx ${\times}$ ks6wx ${\times}$ cheongdo (1,633.3kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$) and daeyul ${\times}$ wx-3 (1,516.7kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$), respectively. Highest yield among the wx-3 crosses was obtained in daeyul which was 1,583.3kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$ and 1,516.7kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$ in drained-paddy and upland field, respectively. For the crosses of wx-8, highest yields were recorded in the cultivar bugye50 (1,466.7kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$) and seokgu12 (1,384.6kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$) for drained-paddy and upland field, respectively. In the case of cheongdo, highest yields were obtained in ks5wx ${\times}$ ks6wx (1,633.3kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$) and seokgu14 (1,111.1kg ${\cdot}$ $10a^{-1}$) for drained-paddy and upland field, respectively. Result also showed that the drained-paddy soil had better physicochemical properties than the upland. The relatively high performance in terms of growth parameters and yield of com hybrids planted in the drained-paddy field is in agreement with the higher organic matter and micro-element content of drained-paddy field.



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