재료에 따른 인삼닭죽의 in vitro 단백질 및 전분 분해율과 물리적 특성

Effect of Ingredients on In vitro Digestibility and Physical Properties of Ginseng-Chicken Meat Porridge

  • 신은수 (신라대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 류홍수 (부경대학교 식품생명공학부)
  • Shin, Eun-Soo (Department of Food and Nutrition, Silla University) ;
  • Ryu, Hong-Soo (Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Pukyong National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


To determine the nutritional quality and physical properties of ginseng-chicken meat porridge, 10 kinds of ginsengchicken meat porridge samples containing waxy and/or non-waxy rice were analyzed for in vitro protein digestibility and their degree of starch hydrolysis. Viscosity and spreadness were determined for the gelatinized pastes of the porridge samples. Microphotographs of the starch granules and pastes were studied to confirm structural changes in the rice starch during cooking. The starch paste from non-waxy rice porridge had higher viscosity than the starch paste from the waxy rice porridge; however, in the case of the ginseng-chicken meat porridge, the difference in viscosity was negligible. Microphotograph comparisions between the waxy rice porridge and non-waxy rice porridge indicated apparent differences in the shapes of their starch granules and gels. The granule surface of the non-waxy rice was very rough while that of the waxy rice was very smooth; this difference would lead to organoleptical discrepancy. The added ginseng increased the protein digestibility of the chicken meat; however, the protein digestibility of the ginseng-chicken meat porridge was lower than that of the chicken meat or rice porridge due to inhibited protein digestion by the gelatinized starch. Finally, the rice porridge had increased starch hydrolysis with additions of chicken meat and vegetables.



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