타자성의 담론으로 본 F.O.A 건축 공간생성 원리에 관한 연구

A Study on the Principle of F.O.A Construction Space Creation Viewed from the Discussion of Otherness

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study is to find out how the otherness philosophy reveals itself in the principle of F.O.A construction space creation. The traditional philosophy of totality is self-centered and thoughts are based on the subject. It couldn't escape from the world associated with the self, and has subordinated the other to the main body. But the philosophy of otherness transcends the subject, to the open, creative way of thinking which acknowledges deconstruction, decentralization, and non-hierarchy. This is very similar to contemporary architecture, which pursuits change, and also to the current state of society. In construction by the construction group F.O.A, which is doing notable activity this generation, there is an attempt to transcend the fixed subject which is seen in the otherness discussion, and realize recategorization by overcoming the boundaries of subject and object. First, by the realization of landscape architecture using a topographical folding technique, boundaries of the subject and object are demolished in the relationship of the landscape construction, and recategorization. Second, by breaking up the meaning of the surface which is a visual and physical boundary for both the internal and external, recategorization is being done. Third, by making the boundary between the interior and exterior indistinct, cognitive threshold is dissolved, and the relationship between the subject and object is being recategorization. In conclusion, we can see that the many recategorization phenomenons that are happening in the F.O.A construction show the otherness that escapes from the conventional and stationary relationship, and recognizes each other at the same time, forming new relationships.



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