서비스 청사진을 이용한 병원서비스 개선방안에 관한 연구

A Study on the Improvement of Hospital Service Using Service Blueprint

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


We assess service delivery system for outpatients of general hospital(A) using service blueprint. Service blueprint for outpatients' service process currently being implemented in general hospital(A) is analysed to improve hospital services and define hospital service delivery system more accurately. In addition, comparative analysis of service blueprint between before and after improvement is conducted to find that health care services Is now more customer-oriented and hospital employees can link their duties to service delivery system. Dealing with the efficiency of health care service delivery system based on service blueprint analysis is expected to pave the way for continual service quality improvement of general hospitals in the future. The analysis of service blueprint of outpatients' service process suggested in this study is useful for setting strategies for health care service. It also helps service process design and service digitalization of other general hospitals in the future.



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