모바일 메인메모리 데이터베이스 시스템을 위한 효율적인 복구 기법

An Efficient Recovery Method for Mobile Main Memory Database System

  • 조성제 (동방대학원대학교 문화정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The rapid growth of mobile communication technology has provided the expansion of mobile internet services, particularly mobile realtime transaction takes much weight among mobile fields. There is an increasing demand for various mobile applications to process transactions in a mobile computing fields. Thus, During transmission in wireless networks a base station failure inevitably causes data loss of the base station buffer. It is required to compensate the loss for communication. The existing methods for a base station failure are not adequate because they all suffer from too much overhead and resolve only the link failure. In this paper, we study an efficient recovry systems for a mobile DBMS. We propose SLL (Segment Log List) that enables the mobile host to compensate data loss efficiently in the case of base station failure. In SLL, a base station deliveries an output information of data cells to a mobile host. when a base station fails, the mobile host can retransmit just next data cells. We also prove the efficiency of new method.



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