개인 사용자의 On-demand Software 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Factors Affecting Personal User's Acceptance of On-demand Software

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The development of service-based software and web-based application aims for providing user-demand service. On-demand software is emerging for same reason. Software delivery models like on-demand software is expected to change the software industry as an important technical revolution with the firm's strategy. Few research, however, has been done on the on-demand software. While much research on ASP and SaaS focused on firm' use, this study intends to examine the intention of using on-demand software targeting personal user. The intention to use of on-demand software was empirically examined in terms of quality, user characteristics, usefulness, easy of use, and security. Results shows that usefulness and easy of use are most significantly related to the intention of using on-demand software. Other factors are also found to affect the intention to use of on-demand software. This study contributes to improve the understanding and interest in on-demand software and it is expected to spread widely for individual user.



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