An Experimental Study on the Noise Control of Unit Bathroom Wall Panel

건식욕실 벽 패널의 소음억제를 위한 실험적 연구

  • Published : 2008.06.25


TProduction's adaptation manufactured construction component is enlarged the result of development in the various construction products and technology. But the pre-fabricated unit bathrooms are not used in spite of many advantages which occupies less than 10% of its market share. This study is for the alternative methods through the on-the-spot experiments to lessen resonance of the wall panel in the Unit bathroom. The results are summarized as follows. Unit bathroom was effective in suitableness part noise control performance when attach sound-absorbing materials. But noises control performance was not better than the general used bathroom. When Urethane (egg container pattern) was applied in the unit bathroom, unit bathroom can be expected for utilization in the construction market field.



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